
Matou en Peluche GIFS
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November 20, 2011


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Now that's a neat shot Sam!

Hey you're not too late to the party. I even saved some punch and a plate of chocolate crackles for you :) xo

Just me again! I bounced here via your tweet before without reading your comment on my blog. Yes North Qld is quite like Brisbane temp wise (maybe slightly warmer?) and most of the beaches were much like beaches on the Gold Coast / Sunshine Coast but quieter. Which was nice! Whitehaven Beach though was nothing like any beach I've been to before. It was spectacular! And bumping into cute little wallabies on Daydream Island was quite a thrill!

Better late than never letting us share this great shot.

Yes it does seem to have been made for SSS! I like lettering shadows and this is a good one.

The shadow is 3-D, the feeling of depth great! We look at art as being staid, perhaps stodgy - if we keep our eyes closed. We so often miss the simplicity of art, especially of shadows. This is fun, let's hope the gallery inside is as fun as the sign outside!

oh but your shot was worth the wait. love the crisp shadow of the letters!!

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