My Shadow Shot photo this week is of a colony of flying foxes (bats) flapping high above Oxford Street. In Summer they roost in the Botanic Gardens and then in the late afternoon hundreds of them fly off to - well we've not quite sure. They always take the same route up Oxford street. It's a real Summer sight to behold!
Unfortunately, I read that the bats are destroying trees in the Botanics. I think 30 - 40 trees have died as a result of their roosting in them. So, they are going to play the bats loud and disturbing noises to move them along. One of these "disturbing" noises is the sound of a car engine starting up. I wonder how the Botanical Gardens people found that out!
Here are some more flying foxes silhouetted against the afternoon sky:
shot Sunday is a Tracy of Hey Harriet meme that is a lot of fun and
open to everyone! You can join in - here are the instructions on how to
do so. Happy weekend all!
Wow! They look really big-and quite creepy! A bit like crows too. An impressive sight! Shame about the trees though!
Posted by: Sarah | June 06, 2010 at 09:21 AM
I love bats! These winged wonders have the capacity to devour as many a 1000 mosquitoes a night - taking care of the awful flying vermin. I do enjoy looking at bats as the nightfall descends upon us. To merely persuade the bats to find another domicile is not a bad thing... beautiful animals set upon a lovely capture!
Posted by: Ralph | June 06, 2010 at 11:12 AM
How fascinating! Great shots, too! Would love to see it for myself! Hope your weekend is going well, Sam! Enjoy!
Posted by: Sylvia Kirkwood | June 06, 2010 at 11:46 AM
Fantastic, we certainly dont get bats flying around where I live. They give an almost eerie look to the shot, almost fightening :-) Great Shot
Posted by: Sammy | June 06, 2010 at 01:31 PM
We have the same problem with bats in Melbourne. In Summer they fly over our house at night. You can set your clock by them.
Posted by: the spectator | June 06, 2010 at 04:57 PM
Wow! What an incredible sight seeing them flying about like that. They are such noisy critters! Gazillions of them reside in the bushland right next to my house and they drive me bonkers with all of their carrying on during the night. I'd like to move them on by creating some loud noises but the council here discourages us from doing that. Damn it! AND they eat my passionfruits! Cheeky little buggers. Next thing I know they'll be raiding my fridge and borrowing my CDs for their wild and crazy all-night partying...
That was a rant and a half. Sorry about that! Have a great week Sam. I hope the weather improves for you guys this week. You've had a shocker of a week by all reports. We've been quite lucky here in Brisbane so far this winter. Cold, but the days have been nice. It's early days though! xo
Posted by: Tracy | June 06, 2010 at 07:32 PM
You title sure caught my attention!
I did not think of bats and was looking for fuzzy fox tails ;-) Nice photos - lovely background added interest!
Posted by: quiltworks | June 06, 2010 at 09:43 PM
We saw the fruit bats last year when we were on holiday, and saw the damage they are doing. At least the are only being moved on, and not culled
Posted by: Anne Donald | June 07, 2010 at 01:32 AM
they are rather large appearing...can't imagine the sky being full of them...yuck...but great shot!!
Posted by: robin | June 07, 2010 at 03:53 AM
l dislike bats but love these imagesx lynda
Posted by: lynda howells | June 07, 2010 at 09:51 AM
Very cool!
Posted by: wanderlust | June 07, 2010 at 10:48 AM
Those are HUGE!! Wow...I am so intrigued. I am freaked out by bats but I like them at the same time. very cool photos, wonderful captures. what a sight!!
Posted by: Kathleen | June 07, 2010 at 12:26 PM
Great shots! I love bats. I would LOVE to see how you would capture them with your art!
Posted by: Saltina | June 07, 2010 at 08:19 PM
did you take those photos?? love them xo
Posted by: Tala | June 08, 2010 at 08:16 AM