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May 28, 2010


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Hi Sam,
It sounds like a good film. I will put it on my mental to watch list!

i also enjoyed this film a lot. and with you on kristin - i'm a big fan.

Have not watched this one, but I trust your taste...will look it up on my next rental~
Fabulous weekend Sam darling!

Fab review, darling!
A must see!


Sounds like a wonderful movie! Thanks so much for sharing, i'll need to check it out. :) Have a lovely merry happy weekend and love to yoU!

Wow, I had never heard of this movie before, but I just saw it Wednesday night with friends -- how funny that you just saw it, too!! I also really like the boy who played Paul -- he was my show-stealer. So loveable -- the quintessential "wise beyond his years" character. I liked their interactions a lot, too. And I agree -- a solid piece of film making. Well put!

Must see it now Sam! Love the detail put into your review... !

I haven't yet seen the film but I'm dying to see it purely based on your review! What a wonderfully written post Sam! You should be a film reviewer! You could join 'At the Movies' and sit between David & Margaret to keep them inline when arguments start heating up between them :)

Sounds like a cool flick! I just added it to my Netflix queue (unfortunately it's not playing in the theater in my city, boo...)

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