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February 07, 2010


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Oh gorgeous! Paddington for this Brit conjures up images of a grimy London railway station so this was a real, shining treat though I guess you might need a well-stuffed wallet to enjoy??

Oh, I love reflections, Sam! And you've caught some really terrific ones! I love the one with your reflection in the window! What fun! Hope you're having a great weekend! Enjoy!


These are lovely shadows and reflections. The top view is wonderful, the blend of reflection in the window combined with the outside is great. The reflections appear almost as a puddle along the walkway, on a sunny day. The pâtisserie has lovely cakes as these are being admired by passers-by. The ship shows fine craftsmanship.

I spy a photo artist busily at work. Nice captures, reflections of a fine city (okay, a bad pun :>)

Enjoy your week!

Fabulous shadows! Love the darkness that leads into that beautiful day of sunshine!

What a nice collection of pictures..all are great. Not sure which I dislike more..snow or humidity..Will admit, not much humidity here in the summer.
Happy SSS.

Brioche or croissant—
which would be the tastiest
with café au lait?

The reflections are like collages Sam!
Lovely illusions & most important I spotted yours darling!!

Thank goodness for the archives! And this is a fun shot you saved!

I like these reflections too and the lovely summery feel. Paddington looks like a nice place to shop.

That first one is lovely, it warms me up to look at it!
Thanks for the visit!

This is lovely! And I love the window shots as well!

Oooh bakery treats! Did you stop for some? I love the first photo Sam but was quickly distracted by the food :)

It's finally raining here today! Storms hit Brissy late last night & continued on until this morning. It was so lovely to wake up to the sound of thunder still rumbling away. The overcast dreary weather has remained and it makes such a pleasant contrast to the horrible temps of yesterday. A blissful Sunday! Just wish I had some tasty Paddington croissants. That would top the day off perfectly! Enjoy the rest of your weekend Sam xo

Very, very nice series! But now, I feel a bit hungry...

I can remember when Paddington used to be considered a slum area - shows you how old I am. I love your window shots. When we were in Sydney over the Christmas holidays we walked along Queen Street in Woollahra and discovered the most amazing butcher shop. I think you had to order your meat by appointment!

Those are great shadow shots! Also glad you are getting some relif from the heat.

Oooh, very nice! I love your shadow shot Sunday photos. I really must participate next time!


Those were all really fun shots...thanks for the mini-tour!!!

Gorgeous photos, darling!


Great shots. The bakery window looks wonderful!

super photos!!

nifty shots, sam!! reflections are some of my favorites, though i tend to take them on a horizontal surface (i.e., a body of water) instead of a vertical one (i.e., a shop window) -- how exciting!! :) i like the top one and the one with you in them the best -- you just look like you fit in the picture so well :) happy ... end of weekend ... to you :)

and -- i just noticed stefan off to the side -- he is utterly adorable and sweet!! :)

I love that it's tricky. Great shot!

So pretty! I love the last one with the dandelion clocks.

Coool shots...there were a few that just made me incredibly hungry for pastries and sweets!!!! mmmmmm...oh goodness.
I hope your weekend was amazing and that you didn't get too wet in the mad, mad rain.

oh, and i totally know what you mean about the cats and kittiens thing. Their personalities really shine through after the kitten stage. kittens all kind of act in a similar manner! loves to both of course.

oh lovely! that first shot almost reminds me of glassy water on the ground. very nice.

Oh... I prefer to sit outside having suntan with a cuppa & croissants. Will you order for me, sweetie?

Smarty with all those shadows and reflections.

Hope you enjoyed your shopping spree and got what you wanted for the day, eh? §;-)

hugs to you,

shootings window scenes is so tricky! that glare can be CONFOUNDING, but you've embraced it!

Hi Sam,
Your pub name guess was actually pretty close so you win a tiny prize! Could you send me your address please? Thanks!
My email is [email protected]

Love these window makes me feel as if I'm really there! And you always pic such atmospheric places to photograph...ta honey...

these are just lovely!

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