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July 22, 2009


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Simply love the 'interesting'color combo of that cast iron... Wouldn't it be nice if each city building would have a beautiful fountain...that would certainly be my dream city! ~Thanks Sam!


Your new illustration is beautiful Sam!!

I love that we share the name... as you might have noticed I already got myself a print on etsy! :) I can't wait to have her in a pretty frame in my living room.
She's going over the fireplace...♥

I also am very much enamored by the Robert Brough fountain. I can honestly tell you that I've never seen anything like it. I love the colors and design and most of all, the history. I must visit Sydney one day. Such an amazing city.

gabriela is gorgeous and i want her dress!
your talent is just awe inspiring.

Ooh, that fountain is pretty. I like the Gabriela too--definitely a knock-out in a red dress.

Gabriela is gorgeous! I love the colour of her dress.

I live in Melbourne :)

What a lovely fountain! I love how you can see the modern buildings in the background. Such an interesting juxtaposition.

Gabriela is very fetching indeed Sam! When I read your post title I thought I may find an illustration of a charming young man to accompany Gabriela! That's quite some fountain and interesting background info. I must remember all of these cool things to be found in Sydney so I can check them out one day. Happy hump day to you! Actually it's no longer the daytime. So happy hump night to you. Er...that didn't sound quite like the right thing to say ;) Happy Wednesday xo

Oooh! I'm with you Lenornevermore! This fountain makes me so happy whenever I walk past it - I think a city full of them would be delightful!

Gabbi - thank you sweetie! XX I think she will be very happy indeed to be above your fireplace. And the fountain - well I've never seen one like it before either - I think Sydney just got lucky! So whimsical - gorgeous fun!

Blushes all round Christina!! Thank you - I think you'd look kinda cute in something like that actually! It would set your dark hair off perfectly!

Thank you The Clothes House! Red is a bit of a winner for a dress I agree!!

Anna! So nice to meet you! I thought I recognised the light and landscape of Melbourne in your post!

Yes Amelia - I think those modern buildings are peering down and wondering abut that little fountain tucked away in it's Victorian bubble!

Thank you so much Tracy! Happy...erm Hump day to you too! Have you been to Sydney before? I think you may like it - there's lots of beaches and water - you'd feel right at home here, you Brissy gal you!

sam, she's so adorable!

Wow, this looks like out of a fairy tale!

get out! Florence designed a building! I had no idea... And that fountain with its brolga and black swans! great that it's been preserved...and sweet these characters tell you their names...or do you research them....and thank you dear sweet lovely girl for all your wellness wishes...

What an incredibly beautiful building, and the fountain is just so cheerful :) And wow, Gabriela looks stunning in her red dress. Hope you're having a wonderful day :)

Thank you so much Miriam and Parapluie! Much appreciated!

It's interesting, isn't it Chrisy? Apparently Henry Parks the premier of NSW at the time was pretty keen to get the states health system up to speed so he called on: Florence Nightingale! He sounds like my type of man! He goes straight to the top!! Do hope you are recovering Chrisy - no good at all to feel so crook like that. XX

Thank you Dapper Kid - it's one of my favourite buildings in the city actually! It's made from sandstone and it's very pretty - cheerful is a great way to describe the fountain!! :)

Yes I have been to Sydney several times Sam and I love it! I haven't been back for a while now. The last trip was maybe about 3 years ago :)

lovely drawing!

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